Local artist Price Jones to appear at Tulsa Comic Expo

We normally don’t send folks out to Tulsa when there’s plenty to do in and around Sapulpa, but we’ll certainly make an exception for fellow Sapulpa artist and business owner Price Jones.

Jones, a local favorite for his unique handiwork on a myriad of canvases, is slated to have a booth selling his artwork at the upcoming Tulsa Comic Expo.

When I asked Jones how he got invited, he said “The promoter’s wife is a fan of my work. So he contacted me and asked. I said yes of course.”


If you don’t want to to wait until the Expo to get a taste of Jones’ unique flavor in print, feel free to swing by the store owned by himself and his wife Melissa, called Livin’ Green Thrift Store. The variety store and art gallery recently got some praise for it’s compassionate book price program.

You might also remember Jones from a story we published earlier about a coloring book “for grown folk” he funded on Kickstarter. Copies of that coloring book are available at the store.

Find out more about The Tulsa Comic Expo on their Facebook Page below, or buy tickets online.



The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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