Local artist Price Jones is making a coloring book for grown-ups

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Oh, and it’s awesome, by the way.

If you’ve driven through, or even just driven by Sapulpa, you’ve probably seen Price Jones’ work. His unique style lives on a couple of buildings in Sapulpa, but probably best known is the large “things get better, hang in there” sign that you see as you’re heading east out of Sapulpa along Mission/New Sapulpa Road. It’s plastered on the side of the building where Jones and his wife Melissa run their thrift store, Living Green.


Jones, who’s been painting since he was a small child (“I never outgrew it,” he says), has spent the majority of his career doing custom paintings for folks who wanted something unique. Some of his more interesting pieces don’t come on a traditional canvas. His Facebook Page shows an assortment of odd things, including Living Day of the Dead posters and a really cool welding helmet.

While these commission pieces are fun, he’s aware that not everyone can afford one, and he doesn’t want them to have to go without experiencing one of his unique creations. So he’s decided to make a coloring book. For grown-ups. Or, as the book is titled “Coloring Book for grown folk.”

He says the idea came from his wife. “She likes watching me color by drawings in and wanted some to do herself,” he said. “Then I kept getting requests from others for the same thing so I decided it was time to get busy and make [a coloring book].”

Jones believes that art should be a part of a person’s life from childhood to adulthood. “Pablo Picasso said ‘Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once they grow up,'” he tells us. That’s where the idea for a “grown folk” coloring book came from. He says most adults never color anymore because they don’t feel that they are creative because they can’t draw. So he removes that obstacle immediately by doing the drawing for them. “With the hard bit out of the way,” he says, “you are free to relax and enjoy coloring it in your way.”

Each book contains 30-12×12 unique drawings on heavy 100# paper for you to work your coloring magic on. They are printed one to a page. “The designs are varied so there’s something for everyone to enjoy,” he says.

So where can you find this “coloring book for grown folk”? You can’t. Not yet, anyway. It’s currently a Kickstarter Campaign that just reached it’s goal of $6500 a few days ago. Now that the primary goal has been met, Jones is putting together some additional rewards for meeting some stretch goals.

“All of the money I’m attempting to raise goes towards the production of the rewards, custom shipping boxes and so on,” Jones says.  “I’ll have books and the other items on  hand to sell at festivals and online.”

While he’s glad to see the campaign doing well, he’s not expecting it to be his bread and butter—yet. “This campaign isn’t about turning a profit,” he said. “It’s all about getting them produced.” We’re hoping that now that he’s got that hard bit out of the way, we’ll be relaxing with our coloring book soon.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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