Letter to the Editor: Why is Sapulpa not growing?

This letter comes from former resident Craig Wright. We welcome letters to the editor at news@sapulpatimes.com — letters may be edited for use in publication.

Why is Sapulpa not growing?  The population now is about what it was 30 years ago.  I no longer live there but visit every few months.  I don’t see new major businesses or factories.  I don’t see any new major restaurant chains either.

Sapulpa has many things going in its favor.  There are adequate-sized police and fire departments.  Medical facilities are increasing in size and quality.  All of the major streets have four lanes, which reduces traffic gridlock at rush hour.  There are new neighborhoods being built.  Many older neighborhoods have large yards.  There are grocery stores, a movie theater, several churches and eating establishments.

Where though, are the careers that residents can get so they don’t have to commute to Tulsa or other suburbs?  Where are the tourist attractions?  (Buffalo statues and trout fishing only bring in a small segment of visitors.)  The water park is a good start but I know of few from other towns that go there specifically for it.  It also doesn’t make enough business to help the local convenience stores show improvement.

It is time for leadership with new ideas. When the city blindly tells citizens that issues like bills for broken water lines in the alleys behind their houses are the citizens’ fault; when residents and visitors tire of being impeded by stoplights on the major highway running to Tulsa; when those who grow up there move away in droves; things need to change.

It’s time for leaders to bring in new major restaurant chains, not hinder them with numerous codes. It’s time for leaders who will bring in new factories, banks, buildings and houses to replace those that are over 70 years old.  It’s time to curb all of the streets in town and reduce road repairs.  It’s time to build a shopping area similar to Tulsa Hills.  It’s time for forward-thinking and action to take over on the southwest side of the metro.

Craig Wright

Featured image courtesy of Lisa McCaskey

Community submissions include online messages and Letters to the Editor sent in from members of the community, as well as some past contributors. Want to send us a submission? Send it to news@sapulpatimes.com

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