Letter to the Editor: “No Help” From Those That Represent Us

Editor’s Note: We’ve covered the Town Hall mentioned in this letter here.
I attended Rep. Lucas’s Town Hall in Sapulpa last  Wednesday.  While we were appreciative of the Congressman’s visit, many of us are unhappy about  his representation of our issues.  That was well demonstrated during my request for some help from the Congressman in resolving a serious environmental problem.  At one point a lady behind me asked everyone who supported my issue to stand up.  I didn’t see anyone remain seated.  Unfortunately, that show of spontaneous support from total strangers was lost on Rep. Lucas.
His only comment was to ‘seek legal representation’. To force a State agency to enforce their own common sense environmental regulations?  My very reasonable requests are to; (1) stop my new neighbor from spraying his sewage water into the creek that crosses my property, (2) find and stop the source of E.coli which is 10-200 times what the Tulsa Health Department states is safe for skin contact, and (3) require Oklahoma Department of Environmental
Quality to enforce their own regulations.
Perhaps, only Republican politicians would think this is asking for ‘government over-reach’. Current State laws are written to keep sewage water out of creeks and is just common sense to most people.  Ideologues excluded.
No help from the man who “represents” me.
Charles Threadgill
Community submissions include online messages and Letters to the Editor sent in from members of the community, as well as some past contributors. Want to send us a submission? Send it to news@sapulpatimes.com

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