Letter to the Editor: Brian Stephens, a Man of Service

(Editor’s note: The Sapulpa Times welcomes letters to the editor. Send yours to news@sapulpatimes.com)

In a world often defined by self-promotion and grand gestures, there are quiet heroes whose impact ripples through communities in profound ways. Brian Stephens, my dad, is a familiar face in Sapulpa and the current City Council Ward 2 Representative, he embodies this spirit of humble service and genuine care for his town and its people. I think it is very important to share what kind of man he is because voters should know the person behind the seat.

My dad’s commitment is more than words and meetings. Alongside Carla Gunn, he actively tours Ward 2, noting areas for improvement and envisioning positive changes. When faced with challenges like illegal dumping at the bottom of Hollier Park, he took swift action, redirecting his own resources to assist residents with waste disposal and safeguarding public spaces.

Brian Stephens with his daughter, Jordan Ascencio

My dad’s dedication to community service started at home, where involvement in various committees and organizations was a way of life. My dad played Santa at Washington Elementary for years, he was also an Easter Bunny downtown and even the Gorilla spreading drug awareness and candy during Halloween when it was on Dewey Street. My friends would tease me and say if they came over, he would make them volunteer, and he did! One night I had several friends over, and we loaded up and served food at the Veteran’s Hospital in Tulsa and then he took us out to dinner and to Cry Baby bridge to tell us a scary story, I later learned it was just a regular bridge though. He would give you the shirt off his back or whatever is in his wallet with one look, with or without being on City Council, but no one would ever know unless you have accepted or been around his generosity. He has always told us not to buy into our own hype and stay humble. He doesn’t require recognition. He was the man all my friend’s called dad, him and my mom made our house the safe house.  One morning my mom called me to let me know my friend was at their house because he received a call from her at college and he and my mother drove to Norman to pick her up at a party where she wasn’t feeling safe in the middle of the night. He coached several teams, he was a cheer dad, a tee ball coach for my sons, girl scout grandpa and so much more. It isn’t just my friends and family; he is there for everyone and has sponsored so many events, people, and organizations. It is always something, he is always helping in some way. That is how I grew up, watching both of my parents stay involved in every aspect of Sapulpa. I never realized how much that would impact my life until I had kids. Now my kids get to see him in action, and we couldn’t be prouder. 

As the upcoming elections loom, it is crucial for voters in Ward 2 to see beyond political rhetoric and recognize the essence of the person behind the title. Brian Stephens isn’t just a councilman; he’s a beacon of selfless service, a pillar of strength, and a father figure to many. In an era where authenticity is often rare, Sapulpa is fortunate to have Brian Stephens—a man whose actions speak volumes, whose heart is as vast as his love for his community, and whose legacy of service inspires us all.

Good luck dad, forever your baby duck

-Jordan Ascencio

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