Lamb takes to the Route

The Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum is hosting Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb on April 1, 10 a.m., as he takes a Route 66 tour in a classic car.

OK Lt. Governor Todd Lamb
OK Lt. Governor Todd Lamb

A representative from Lamb’s office said last year, the Lt. Governor did a tour of all 77 counties in Oklahoma in the first 77 days of his second term in office.

“He absolutely loves being able to get out into the communities of Oklahoma and meet with residents of these areas,” they said. “This year, he did not just want to make another “77 county tour of the state,” but instead wanted to be able to highlight the importance of Route 66 while getting to meet with these communities”.


Instead of knocking the whole state’s counties out in one tour, he will be focusing on different aspects that bring people to those communities.

Chamber President Suzanne Shirey is pleased to once again host Lt. Gov. Lamb and to learn of his vision for tourism in Oklahoma.

Specifically with Sapulpa, when the Lt. Governor heard about the Auto Museum, he knew it would be a great stop on the Route along with his Beetle.

The Lt. Governor Lamb’s first car was a ’66 Volkswagen Beetle. When his son turned 16 and they started discussing cars, Lamb started thinking of how the Beetle is pretty iconic of “the old days”, when Route 66 was at its prime and how if cars can be appreciated why can historic highways not be?

He is working hard to fix up the Bug and have it with him. Which would be a great tribute to the history of Route 66 while traveling its communities.

Lamb’s office would like to emphasize that although the Bug is a fun topic, it really is more about the importance of Rt. 66, and his Beetle just so happens to be a 1966 model.

Although the VW Bug is fun, his focus will be on the Town Hall meeting. It will focus on the history of Route 66 and the importance of it today and working towards the future, specifically in the tourism and business area.

The event is open to the public and the Town Hall forum will provide an opportunity for questions after he touches on these subjects.

The Heart of Route 66 Auto Museum is located in the retired Armory, 13 Sahoma Lake Road. It is currently being remodeled to accommodate the classic cars and as an event space. One of the many features is the installation of a 66 foot tall visible gas pump on the southeast corner of the museum property.

The museum will be open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. It will feature vintage cars, mid-century gas station and an interactive children’s area. The car exhibits will rotate regularly.

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