Kimberly-Clark spends Day of Caring at Youth Services of Creek County

Friday, September 6th, was Tulsa Area United Way’s “Day of Caring” and thousands of area volunteers helped TAUW organizations with projects such as painting, taking clients on fishing, bowling or zoo trips, organizing donations and even general repair work.

Day of Caring is about people coming together and helping the nonprofits in the area, so they can, in turn, help the communities in which they serve. 

This year, Kimberly-Clark sent 18 volunteers to Youth Services of Creek County to help them with staining the fence that was built at a previous Day of Caring event, as well as fixing the awning over their driveway, cleaning and repairing gutters and even some flowerbed work. These projects help in not only making the building and grounds look better but more importantly, help provide children and families with a safe and comforting environment. Labor-intensive projects like these would be impossible without the physical and financial help from volunteers like those from Kimberly-Clark. 


 Laurie Willis and Joe Jennett, Kimberly-Clark help stain the privacy fence at YSCC on Day of Caring.

Sapulpa Times watched while volunteers did the work with a smile, even in the ninety-degree heat. One volunteer, Nancy Miela, told us “thanks” for doing the story and “making us feel like rock stars.” We feel that it’s the volunteers like Miela that are, in fact, the real rock stars. 

The gutters at YSCC get a good cleaning from Dusty Kelly.

Volunteering like this can be a thankless job: the thousands of volunteers around Tulsa today will likely never meet the children or families they helped today. They won’t see the huge impact a Day of Caring has for TAUW clients and organizations. Still, that does not minimize what they have done and will continue to do. 

While YSCC awaits a new roof, repair works begins on the underside of the covered driveway by Stacy Keeling and others.

If you would like more information on how you can volunteer or donate to TAUW please visit their website at To help YSCC directly visit their website at 

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” ~Oscar Wilde

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