As the state prepares for the national Rt. 66 Centennial in 2026, representatives brought their grant information to members of Rt. 66 communities. Sapulpa was the third stop in northeastern Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Main Street and Oklahoma Arts Council coordinated with local representatives Cindy Lawrence, director of Sapulpa Main Street and Sheri Ishmael-Waldrop, Director of Sapulpa Arts & Humanities Foundation, to host Thursday’s event at Waypoint Lounge.

Regional representatives from Miami to Oklahoma City visited Sapulpa to see our Rt. 66 attractions and to learn what our plans are for the upcoming centennial. Representative Mark Lawson and Senator Todd Gollihare welcomed everyone and told about what our region has to offer travelers.
Representatives from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, Oklahoma Main Street, Rt. 66 Revitalization Commission, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Oklahoma AARP, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma Film & Music Commission, Federal Reserve Bank, Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition, Oklahoma Museum Association, and several more spoke on ways they can provide assistance.

After the conclusion of the speakers and time for visiting with those speakers, Waldrop took about 20 attendees on a walking tour in the downtown area showing of the Sapulpa Community Theatre and plans for expansion, the Sapulpa Historical Society and Sapulpa Firefighter Museum, the new alley projects and pocket parks, local retail spaces, building on Hobson under development, information on the Christmas Chute, and plans for the rehabilitation of the downtown area, and answered questions.
A list of websites will be available next week. Visit Sapulpa Arts, Sapulpa Main Street and Sapulpa Chamber of Commerce on Facebook for the full list.
If you missed this event, the final event will take place in Arcadia on Oct. 3, 1 to 4 p.m., at the Arcadia Round Barn. To register visit