Kick-Off and Open House announced for INCOG’s new Sapulpa “Active Transporation Plan”

The Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG), the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Tulsa region, launched the planning process for its updated GO! Plan, the Regional Bike & Pedestrian Master Plan for the Tulsa Metropolitan Area in 2024. The goal of the plan is to increase cycling and pedestrian safety, comfort and convenience throughout the INCOG region. The first phase included an
update of the Tulsa regional GO! Plan.

The second phase of the GO! Plan includes a new active transportation plan for Sapulpa that encompasses connectivity to the existing regional trail network, improving pedestrian and bicycle safety, and identifying barriers and solutions for residents to safely access destinations using walking or bicycling modes.

INCOG, along with the consulting team of RDG Planning & Design, Garver, and Venice Communications, have scheduled a Sapulpa community kick-off to educate the public on the purpose of the new active transportation plan and gather initial ideas from the public and then a month later, facilitate a public open house to share preliminary concepts for the Sapulpa plan and how it relates to the Tulsa regional plan. The public is encouraged to attend and learn more about the project and share their ideas. Here is the


Sapulpa Community Kick-off Event
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm – Monday, March 24, Sapulpa City Hall, 425 E. Dewey Ave.

Sapulpa Public Open House
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm – Monday, April 21, Sapulpa Library, 27 W. Dewey Ave.

“INCOG is seeking public input to help us learn from Sapulpa community what they would like to see in the GO! Plan Bike & Pedestrian new active transportation plan, and take it to the next level and develop a more comprehensive and connected bike and pedestrian system,” stated Thomas Dow, director of transportation for INCOG. “By sharing their experiences and concerns during the public kick off or the online survey, residents can help shape the future of our bicycle and pedestrian system.”

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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