Kellyville Town Board approves forming planning committee

Trustee Russ Howard presented his idea for a Town Planning committee before the Board at the regularly scheduled July 11 meeting. “I would like to see a meeting where there really wasn’t anything on the agenda, and where people could sit down and throw out ideas, have discussions, talk, preferably, before all the Board members.

However, I don’t believe we can do that, so in order to do something similar, we have to set up a committee. Someone will have to head up that committee, I believe we can have up to two Board members on that.”

Howard mentioned some possible capital improvement projects:
“Matt [Staiger] wants to look at a new fire station, down the road, Shelly [Garrett] is going to be looking at a new police station down the road, maybe a bigger park, a sports complex, I have heard about all kinds of things around town but no action gets taken, you don’t just talk about, you put it on the agenda. You have to have some planning on how you are going to get there.”


Local entrepreneur Faitha Jones went before the Board with her concerns: “my biggest thing is the infrastructure of the town, I really worry about that, I feel we are lacking in that, we don’t have any management, you know what I mean? Mrs. Garrett, I understand she has both positions, to me, that is just too much for one woman.”

Howard addressed her comments: “This is directed more toward long-term goals with the sewer plant, the lift station, new buildings, new growth. That was my purpose in this, it was to get some of the town’s feedback, and interest in the town. Nothing can happen in that meeting as far as any action, it’s just putting out wish lists, and opinions.”

Howard further explained the goals of the proposed committee: “It is just a committee, it will be open to anyone who wants to go.”

The board then unanimously approved setting the first Tuesday of each Month as the meeting date for the new committee.

In other business, the Board voted to authorize the expenditure of up to $40,000 for the replacement of air conditioning units at Town facilities, and up to $7,5000 to repair Engine #2 fire truck.

After going into executive session, the Board voted to give all hourly employees a $2 per hour raise, and to give volunteer firefighters an increase to $15 per run.

During the Kellyville Public Works Authority meeting, the Town Administrator, Shelly Garrett, informed the Board that the sewer lift station had been repaired.

The Kellyville Board of Town trustee holds its monthly meeting the second Tuesday of each month, at 7 p.m. in the Municipal Courtroom. The Public Works Authority meets following that meeting.

Editor’s note: in the original print version of this story, we mistakenly reported that the volunteers were getting “an extra” $15 per run, as opposed to “an increase to” $15 per run. We’ve edited that here.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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