Kellyville Sophomores to Host Donkey Basketball “Fun Raiser”

It’s a tradition at Kellyville High School for the sophomores to put on a huge fundraiser. It’s where they make most of their prom money. Last year, a couple thousand dollars were raised at their fundraiser alone.

This year the class of 2019 is putting on a Donkey Basketball Tournament.

The Dairyland Donkey Basketball Tournament has been put on for the past three years and was put on several times prior as well. Usually, a bake sale is put on, concession is provided, and entertainment consists of watching a game with clumsy people riding braying donkeys.


Donkey basketball is a sport in which people attempt to play on the backs of the four-legged animals. The competition is typically hysterical; if you like watching people fall, lead their stead in circles, and fumble with the ball in their hands, then the fundraiser is the place to be.

The gate, concession, and any other proceeds will go to the sophomore budget for the prom they will be hosting next year. Last years fundraiser provided the current juniors with enough funds to pay for most of what they’ve planned for this April.

The money used for prom is always earned in full. Starting in seventh grade, the students begin to raise money for their class with the sole intention of putting on a magnificent prom. There are usually two large fundraisers, one as sophomores and one as juniors. The juniors get most of the proceeds at the Halloween Carnival in the fall, having both the most in popularity and in amount of games. The sophomores get this particular event.

This year, the tournament takes place on Tuesday, March 21st at 6 pm. The address is 144 South Elm in Kellyville, OK, 74039. Tickets are $10 at the door and $7 from a Kellyville sophomore before the day of the tournament.

The teams are made of seniors and community members. The games will be between the Basketeers vs. Buckaroos and the Dunkin’ Donkeys vs. Dirty Dribblers. Afterwards, there will be a championship game, totaling to three games.

Come join the fun, fantastic event and support Kellyville sophomores on their endeavor to put on a decent prom for their peers next year!

If you’ve never seen a Donkey Basketball game, get a taste of one below:

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