Kellyville raises prices on cemetery plots, approves upgrading of sirens

The Town of Kellyville’s Trustees meeting took place in informal digs at the Town Center. A small crowd of local citizens crowded around the front table where Beverly Lucas (new Town Administrator) took notes while Bobby McGarrah, Mayor Terry Voss, Russ Howard, John Taylor, Ed Pruitt and John Dunn (Town Attorney) contributed to the meeting. First on the list was a correction to the minutes from last month to reflect payroll to total, $39,560.19.

INCOG grant

Fire Chief Staiger asked to be approved to apply for an INCOG grant to purchase storm sirens, upgrading the current siren system. It is a $40,000.00 expense for poles, batteries, and all radio products. Kellyville’s share would be $2,262.00. It was passed unanimously.


The Plot Increases

The trustees approved a price increase to $1,000.00 for those deceased who were not town residents or a Kellyville School District resident (with proof of residency). In previous months, there were discussions about raising the price of cemetery plots to bring them in line with surrounding towns’ costs. It had become a practice for people from other towns to bury their families in Kellyville because the price of the plot was significantly lower. The price of a plot for residents will continue to be $600.00.

KV’s Dog Dilemma

Trustee McGarrah introduced a woman who might be able to help the town with animal control. Pamela Sands owns a company with her husband, called the Oklahoma Animal Control Association from Enid. For $600.00 a month, they offer a service of patrolling the streets of Kellyville once a week and picking up loose dogs. She will keep the dog in her custody until the owner paid a fee and showed proof of rabies shots, and the city pays her $25.00 per dog fee. If the owner does not claim the dog, at some point the animal will be adopted out to someone else. Habitual offenders might have an increasing fee for each time a dog gets loose. The trustees “tabled” this move until next month to give them time to set the resolution and fees in place.

Executive Session

An Executive Session was convened and 30 minutes later, the Trustees authorized $2.50 per hour increases in pay for Pete LIttle (Public Works Director), Jacqueline Case (Town Librarian), and Michele Covington (Town Treasurer/Town Clerk). Michele Covington’s job duties were discussed, as well.

Camera Grant

A presentation from Eric Lovell (Maintenance Department), concerned a Sewer Camera which would cost the town $5,000.00 after an approved OMAG (Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group) grant would pay for half. The company “would come out and train us on it.” There is a camera in it, with built-in GPS, to pinpoint the location of leaks or clogs. The trustees approved unanimously applying for the OMAG grant.

The next Trustees meeting will be held in the main hall of the City Hall (410 E. Buffalo St., Kellyville) on October 8th, beginning at 7 p.m.

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