Kellyville officers awarded with Life Saving Pin at monthly board meeting

At the monthly Kellyville Town Board meeting on Monday, November 10th, two Kellyville Police Officers were awarded Life Saving Pins for their actions in saving the life of Mackenzie Woods, the two-year-old girl who lost a portion of her right arm in a mowing accident in September.

As reported by Sapulpa Times on September 29th, at the time of the accident, Kellyville Fire Department wasn’t going get to the girl in time, so they called Assistant Police Chief Dustin Tiner, who lived nearby, to help Mackenzie. First Responder Makayla Staiger also met Tiner and the family at the scene and created a tourniquet to staunch the bleeding, essentially saving the little girl’s life. Mackenzie’s sister Emily told Sapulpa Times that if the first responders hadn’t reacted so quickly, her sister would’ve lost too much blood and died.

In addition to the awards, there were several motions that carried in the meeting, all unanimously:


Possibly updating the fence line for the Town of Kellyville;

Issuance of American Heritage Credit Cards for Police Chief Shelly Garrett and Fire Chief Matt Staiger;

A motion passed to have an employee Christmas dinner;

Disposal of a 2011 Dodge Charger by Chief Shelly Garrett;

Finally, the trustees convened into executive session and ultimately decided to raise Town Clerk Beverly Lucas’ pay to $17.00 an hour, and adjust Police Chief Shelly Garrett’s pay to $52,000 annually for Town Administrator and Chief of Police.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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