Kellyville Library to feature online health info and a free class

The Kellyville Public Library is bringing access to reliable health information to the community
through the library’s new website. The library will host a class for anyone who wants to learn
how to use these easy-to- understand, online health resources, Monday, February 26, 2018 at 2
PM till 4 PM at the library. Seats are limited, so call the library at 918-247- 3740 to reserve your

The Kellyville Public Library received a National Network of Libraries of Medicine grant last
fall, administered by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. The grant delivered a resource-rich
website to the library. Featured in the website are links to and descriptions of online health
websites. Said library director Jacqueline Case, “These user-friendly health sites can help you
learn about your health condition, medicines, procedures and surgeries, healthy foods and
exercise, questions to ask your doctor, and health specifically for kids, seniors, and those who
speak different languages.” Visit the library health pages at

Case continued, “We have partnered with local organizations that care about health to get the
word out about the library’s online health resources.” Library health partners include Creek
County Health Department, St. John’s Sapulpa, and Creek County Extension Center.


According to a 2015 Pew Research Study, 73% of people who visit public libraries in America
go looking for answers about their health. A 2012 Pew survey discovered that 59% of U.S. adults
looked online for health information in the last year and 35% of U.S. adults say they have used
the Internet to try to figure out what medical condition they or another may have.

Oklahomans struggle with health issues, and the state falls at or near the bottom of health
indicators nationwide. The Kellyville Public Library is doing its part to help the people of
Kellyville learn more about medicine, nutrition, fitness, and more so that they can become

The library is located at 230 E. Buffalo St. in Kellyville. The librarian can be reached at 918-
247-3740 or

The Health Links @ The Library project is supported in part by Federal funds through the
National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health with the University of North
Texas Health Science Center, administered by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. The
content of the library website is the responsibility of the library and does not necessarily
represent the official views of the NIH.

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