Kellyville hires a new officer amid turmoil in the meeting room.

Turmoil and squabbling seemed to be the dominating factor at the Kellyville City Council meeting on Tuesday night.

The first order of business was to accept the resignation of Colton Brownfield as Police Officer in Kellyville. Brownfield had worked for just two weeks as an officer. The board declined to say why Brownfield’s career with the Kellyville Police Department was so short, stating that they “would not discuss personnel matters.” Brownfield’s resignation was accepted. The next business was to go into Executive Session and discuss hiring Tyler Stroup as the new Police Officer.

After about 2 minutes, the Session ended, and Stroup was announced as approved as an Officer. He will be paid $13.50 an hour.

In an interview conducted while the Trustees were in Session, The Sapulpa Times discovered that Stroup was a Sapulpa High School graduate in 2014 and had spent 2 years at Tulsa Jail and 1 year at Creek County Jail. He has taken classes in Criminal Justice at Central Tech but is not CLEET-certified yet.


The Trustees in attendance were Michelle Kelly, Bobby McGarrah, Marcia Jones, Mayor Jim Vogt, and Jerry Bussett. The town lawyer, John Dunn, was not present. After the Pledge of Allegiance, the Mayor asked that we give a moment of silence for the “important day” in the “history of our country.”

The meeting adjourned and then the Kellyville Public Works Meeting began. The minutes were approved, and claims were approved in the amount of $27,115.46 for the month of August 2018. Then the Trustees went into Executive Session to discuss giving John Taylor (Maintenance Department) a raise. They returned in 9 minutes and took no action.

Prior to adjourning, Bobby McGarrah asked if it was legal to smoke in government-owned vehicles, and Mayor Jim Vogt said he thought it was legal, not in buildings anywhere, but in cars, yes. He stated that they needed to ask the lawyer, who was not present. Then, Trustee McGarrah asked, “Why, if it is illegal to smoke inside buildings, why do we allow it?”

Trustee Marcia Jones shouted that that was an “agenda item” and needed to be put on the agenda for discussion. Jones was turned around facing the wall with her purse on the ledge, effectively shielding her face from the camera and the audience.

Mrs. Willie McGarrah, who tapes all the proceedings every month, asked if Marcia could “turn around, we can’t see you.” Jones spoke to the Mayor, and he remarked, “Can’t we all get along.” Then, he moved for adjournment.

The meeting lasted 39 minutes.

What is Cleet?

Title 70, Section 3311, of the Oklahoma Statutes establishes minimum standards for the training and certification of peace officers. Every person who has not been certified as a police or peace officer shall hold such position on a temporary basis only, and shall, within six (6) months from the date of appointment or taking office, satisfactorily complete a CLEET approved certification course and satisfactorily pass all written examinations required for certification.

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