Kellyville and surrounding areas lose water service, low pressure a problem in Sapulpa

The winter storm bringing bitterly cold temperatures to Northeastern Oklahoma has also resulted in a number of problems for local residents. The Heyburn Lake water treatment plant that provides water to Creek County Rural Water District 1, which includes Kellyville, suffered a major malfunction Sunday due to the unseasonably cold weather, resulting  in a disruption of water service to that community. It has been reported, though not confirmed, that the treatment plant essentially “froze.”

This plant failure had a domino effect on residents between Kellyville and Sapulpa. According to Calvin Castille, an employee of Creek County District 3, District 3 had to purchase water from Sapulpa. This meant that for several hours some 1,800 customers were without water until emergency valves could be opened that tie into the Sapulpa municipal water system. Castille told the Sapulpa Times, “We got them open this morning. Now it is just a matter of playing catch-up.”

Sapulpa residents in the south end of Sapulpa experienced low pressure starting Saturday. According to Public works Director Steve Hardt, there was an issue with the storage tank at the Southern Hills housing addition, known locally as “Ford Hill.” Hardt said the problem has been repaired and the pumps are now operating at 100 percent capacity.


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