Kayla Parnell is Back at the Chamber

Kayla Parnell is back with the Sapulpa Chamber of Commerce after an eleven year-hiatus working for a local bank. Her journey began previously when she volunteered for the Route 66 Blowout and Jingle Bells for Main Street. When Janet Birnie became Main Street Director, Bettey Calley, the Sapulpa Chamber of Commerce Director at that time, asked Parnell to replace the now open front desk position. Parnell worked at the Chamber’s front desk for a couple of years while also helping Main Street with the Route 66 Blowout and Jingle Bells event. Then, when Suzanne Shirley replaced Calley as Chamber Director, Parnell moved to the finance part of the Chamber and started doing books for Main Street. Parnell has been on the Planning Commission since 2010 and left the Chamber to work for a local bank in 2011. 

Kayla Parnell stands outside the Sapulpa Chamber of Commerce office, where’s she’s returned to help Chamber Director Janet Birnie after eleven years.

“When the opportunity arose, there was no way I could turn it down,” Parnell said of returning to the Sapulpa Chamber of Commerce adding she wants to be a big part of the great things happening in Sapulpa. She said she’s excited to work with Janet again and doing the events was always a lot of fun. Parnell continued to say how excited she is to see the town thrive and become a destination, saying, “I love this town that raised me.” 

Parnell grew up around Pretty Water and graduated from Sapulpa High School. She is married to Gene Parnell and has two adult children, Becky Romero and Jackson Parnell. She loves to spend summertime at their lake house or take beach trips with lifetime friends. Parnell is excited to return to the Sapulpa Chamber of Commerce, reunite with old volunteers, and meet plenty of new people.


Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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