K9 Deputy to retire, will be adopted by his handler

The Creek County Sheriff’s department has made the decision to retire one of it’s K9 deputies, and the dog’s handler has agreed to adopt him, so that he can enjoy retirement in a familiar way.

Deputy Sheriff’s canine Bear has had an impressive career with the Creek County Sheriff’s Department. The dog will be 11 in February, equating to about 70 years for a human. His handler, Deputy Chad Pompa, has been partnered with Bear since early 2014 once he completed his handlers certification.

Pompa says for Bear to still be out there working at his age is impressive. The two won the Narcotic Detection Trial at the 2019 US Police Canine Association trials for their region. Bear has been serving for nine years, and is mostly known for his apprehensions of felony criminals. The canine has worked hard and risked a lot to apprehend the ‘bad guys’, eighteen of whom were caught through bite. A few others either surrendered by threat alone, and some tried to run to the woods but were sniffed out. Pompa said Bear didn’t necessarily have a big ‘drug bust’, but did definitely find his share of narcotics while working. 


2017 photo of Deputy Chad Pompa with Bear. Facebook photo.

After such an impressive and successful run, both Pompa and County Commissioner Newt Stephens agree that Bear is deserving of his retirement. Pompa mentioned that Bear is beginning to slow a little, but the dog has been “pretty incredible as far as numbers”. Stephens added, “He served the county well.” 

Per State law, when a police dog retires their handler has the option to adopt them. Pompa, as Bear’s handler, was approved to adopt his work partner at the County Board meeting Monday. According to Pompa, Bear isn’t much of a house dog, as he hasn’t had a lot of interactions with families due to work. Although it’s the old pup’s time to relax a little, Pompa says Bear will definitely miss the work. The deputy assures Bear will still get training once a week.

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