JROTC breaks ground on new drill facility

Members of numerous organizations and news outlets turned out Tuesday afternoon for the ground breaking ceremony of the new facility being constructed for Sapulpa’s JROTC program.

Left to right: John Mark Young and George Petkovich of the Marine Corps League; Major Jerry Swepston; Don Engle, Commander of the Disabled American Veterans; Dewayne Dermus of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; Angela Foresman, Commander of the American Legion; Sapulpa High School Principal Mr. Shibley, Jr. High Principal Mr. Dixon, Superintendent Mr. Armstrong, and Asst. Superintendent Mr. Bilby.

The new 60′ by 80′ metal building is to be a drill hall for JROTC cadets. Currently, the cadets practice in the parking lot regardless of the weather. The new building will give the program a place of its own to conduct its drills.

The new drill hall is expected to cost approximately $160,000 and is funded through private donations.


Major Jerry Swepston said they’ve already raised about 2/3 of the needed money for the facility, and could see the work begin as soon as Christmas break.

“We’re planning to roll this out in two phases,” Swepston said. “The concrete first, which we’re expecting to get done over Christmas break. Then the next phase, which will be the construction of the building, might happen around Spring break.” Swepston says they have to wait until there’s a break in classes because the equipment would block bus lanes and cause a general disturbance for students at the schools. He expects construction to go quickly. “Once they get that building started, they should get done with it pretty quick,” he said.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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