John Christner Trucking Executive Donates to Hofmeister’s Defense Fund

State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister has been facing allegations since late last year about colluding with  a third-party group to accept donations that would be considered illegal.

The group, called Oklahomans for Public School Excellence, is a “dark money group”—meaning they don’t have to disclose their donors. Hofmeister has been steadfastly fighting the allegations, saying that she would “vigorously defend my integrity and reputation against any suggestion of wrongdoing” according to an article from The Oklahoman.

A special committee put in place to help Hofmeister pay for her legal defense. At least three large corporations have stepped in with generous donations of $25,ooo each.


One such donor is Danny Christner, executive at Sapulpa-based trucking company John Christner Trucking. Christner is treasurer of the defense fund, and a part of the committee that put it together.

He said he felt compelled to help because “rather than resign … she stood on her integrity and her character and her vision for what she can do to help the state and the schools,” The Oklahoman has reported.

Read the court documents accusing Hofmeister here.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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