“It wasn’t pleasant, but it is vital:” what it’s like going through the drive-thru Coronavirus testing

“I’d rather hit my shin on a trailer hitch than go through that again.”

That was the way a caller described her experience going through the Creek County Health Department’s Drive-Thru Testing on Monday morning.

It’s not hard to understand her attitude. She was already running a fever (and had been for over a week), and on the phone, she told Sapulpa Times, “I know that by the time I’m done talking to you I’m going to be exhausted.”


She had attended a “teledoc” appointment not long before, at which the doctor told her, “I can tell from looking at you, you’ve got it. Go get tested.” So she called the Creek County Health Department in Sapulpa and made an appointment. When she arrived, there was no line. She said the entire process lasted about seven minutes. She said the staff wore masks and gloves and that she felt safe. “I didn’t think I was going to contract the Coronavirus, if I didn’t already have it, just by going to get tested for it,” she told us.

The process isn’t a particularly comfortable one, but she said that it’s “vital to get tested” so that our leaders have the information they need to make the decisions they need to. Yesterday the Oklahoma State Health Department reported getting over 11,000 tests back from private labs going back as far as February.

See more details about getting tested and what’s required in the County Health Department’s Facebook Post:

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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