Independence Day celebrations don’t have to stop

Hot dogs, swimming, family, and fireworks. Every Fourth of July that list is no doubt in your plans somewhere. All summer we look forward to Independence Day and make sure to thank Veterans on our social media posts for their sacrifice and shake a few extra hands while we are out and about. On the 5th….it ends. We go back to work, the kids go back to summer break, and all we have left to look forward to is the beginning of the school year. Is that it? Is that what we limit our Independence Day celebrations too? Just one day? Or could we do more to keep celebrating?

You can keep celebrating Independence Day by helping Veterans across Oklahoma.



Because without them, we wouldn’t have an Independence Day.

Thanking Veterans can go a long way and improve their day…but Veterans need so much more. In Oklahoma there are thousands of homeless Veterans who need help and Veterans who aren’t homeless but need help with food, medical expenses, and more.

Ways to help:

  • Look for organizations in your area that specifically give back to Veterans. Donate goods or volunteer.
  • Join social media groups where Veterans can post and ask for help. Find someone in your area that needs a helping hand.
  • Mow a Veterans yard. I know it sounds simple, but helping a neighbor with yard work in this heat can really go a long way.
  • There are many parks across the state that are dedicated to Veterans. Go there and pick up trash, Get your children involved and help keep everything clean.
  • Host a luncheon for Veterans.
  • Deliver meals to Veterans you know that may be struggling.
  • Just visit with a local Veteran with your family. Talk, listen, and learn more about each other.

And of course, continue to thank every Veteran you pass by…they deserve our gratitude, love, and respect.

Community submissions include online messages and Letters to the Editor sent in from members of the community, as well as some past contributors. Want to send us a submission? Send it to

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