How to build a soda bottle rocket

Here are the materials you need:

  • An empty 2-liter soda bottle
  • 3 pencils (unsharpened is best)
  • Duct tape
  • A cork that fits the soda bottle-A wine bottle or a #10 cork from Hobby Lobby should work
  • Paper towels, a roll of select-a-size
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar, Large bottle, 64 ounces or larger

Step 1. Remove the label from the soda bottle, and wash and dry the bottle so there are no traces of soda left.

Step 2. Place the eraser end of the pencils toward the top of the bottle so that they will be the feet of the tripod. Make sure that with the cork inserted in the bottle, there is approximately one-inch ground clearance when the pencils are taped to the bottle. Tape the pencils firmly at 3 equal locations around the bottle. 


Step 3. Carefully pour approximately 1 heaping tablespoon of baking soda onto a folded select-a-size paper towel sheet. Then, fold and roll it so it will fit into the neck of the soda bottle.

Step 4. Mark a line 2 inches from the bottom of the soda bottle, pour the vinegar to that line.

Step 5. Stuff the baking soda packet into the neck of the bottle, leaving room for the cork. Make sure the paper towel does not tear, exposing the baking soda. If it tears, make a new packet. 

Step 6. Place the cork in the bottle, being careful not to place it too tightly. Doing so will keep the cork from ejecting, thus the bottle will be pressurized, making it hazardous to manually remove the cork.

Step 7. Use a large heavy, flat piece of wood, or a concert block, to provide a smooth, stable launching surface. 

Step 8. Turn the bottle upside and quickly place it on the launching surface. Move to a safe area, and watch the rocket “Lift off!”

Note: You may experiment with the amounts of baking soda and vinegar, and record how high the rocket goes.

Read more about this experiment and see photos at Frugal Fun 4 Boys

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