At around 11:15 am on Friday, November 25th, Steve Heron turned to his wife Tiffany and said, “I think there’s a horse in our backyard.”
The Herons weren’t even home at the time, and Sapulpa is no stranger to livestock—this is Creek County, after all—but the idea that a horse was in their backyard was preposterous; there just wasn’t enough room in their backyard at the 100 block of South Birch Street to hold such an animal.
But Steve’s phone had notified them that their backyard camera had indicated movement, and when she looked, sure enough, there was a brown horse standing in her yard, munching on the grass.
Appalled, she called the police, who had not only already been apprised of the situation, were practically responsible for it. “I called the police, and they said, ‘yeah, we’re going to get him out, we’re waiting on a trailer to get there,'” Tiffany Heron told the Sapulpa Times on Friday morning.
As it turns out, the horse was found meandering down the railroad tracks near 2nd and Line Streets and by the time Animal Control had made it to the lost mare, she was near Lee and Birch.

Anna Aman, the Animal Control Officer who responded, said they get about “one or two calls per year” about a horse.
“This is the first time we’ve ever gotten a call about a horse on the railroad tracks,” she said.
At the time of this story, the officers were still trying to locate the owner of the horse, though they believed they knew where she originally came from.
“Everybody’s out doing their Black Friday Shopping,” Aman said. “We’ll get her home, eventually.”