Chairperson Lynne Belcher introduced scholarship winner Hope Barton and her family to the members the Creek County Democratic Party meeting in April.

Ms. Barton was one of two recipients of the CCDEM Scholarship but was the only one present. The other winner, Divinity Johnson (no relation to Chair Stan Johnson) will be recognized at the May 18 meeting, which will be held at La Margarita’s Restaurant.
Belcher read a brief bio of Ms. Barton:
“Hope will soon be a graduate of Bristow High School, where she has maintained a 4-point GPA throughout her high school career.
While she was achieving in high school, she earned 33 hours of college credit, making all As in her college classes as well.
Her accomplishments don’t end with her school work; she has always had a job, done significant volunteer work, and has been involved in school athletics.
In each of her activities, she always works hard and helps others.
Hope is her school’s valedictorian; she is on the Superintendent’s Honor Roll; Oklahoma State Institute of Technology Honor Roll; the varsity Tennis Team; the National Honor Society, where she serves as treasurer, and she is a member of her school’s leadership team,
She has done volunteer work with Meals on Wheels, Bristow Public Schools tutoring program,
The Replenish Recycling Program, and The Xavier Spanish Language Charity Clinic.”
Bleacher also read comments from Hope’s high school teachers.
According to Ms. Barton’s AP English teacher, “She is not only an impressive student, she also gives back to her community.”
Her science teacher said, “She has always been one of our top students. She works hard and engages in discussion and is willing to help others.”
Hope Barton will be attending the University of Arizona this fall, majoring in environmental science, with an emphasis on city planning and conservation.
Ms. Barton has said she wishes to teach at the college level and educate others about conservation and the environment.
Belcher then presented Hope Barton with a $1,500 scholarship on the behalf of the Creek County Democrats.