Hoover named new president of School Board

Monday, April 8, 2019, the Sapulpa Board of Education met at the Washington Administrative Building for its monthly meeting. Present were board members Sarah Havenstrite, Steve McCormick, Wayne Richards, Larry Hoover, and Melinda Ryan.

Also present were Superintendent Rob Armstrong and Assistant Superintendent Johnny Bilby.

The most important item on the agenda was the reorganization of the School Board. Larry Hoover was nominated as President, and outgoing president Melinda Ryan was approved as 1st Vice President, taking over for Steve McCormick. Wayne Richards remained as 2nd Vice President after a motion and approval.


Once the reorganization was done and recorded in the minutes, the members assumed their new positions on the board, with the exception of Mr. Richards and Sarah Havenstrite, who stayed put.

There were many items up for approval on the consent agenda. These included the General Fund purchase order, the Building Fund purchase order, the Child Nutrition Fund purchase order, the Bond Fund (Lease Revenue) purchase order, the Bond Fund 33 purchase order, the Bond Fund 34 purchase order, and the Bond Fund 36 purchase order. These orders covered a wide variety of items, including transportation for field trips, library supplies, security alarm monitoring, repair of kitchen equipment, the tiling and flooring of certain bathrooms, the painting of the junior high halls, sand and fill for the track facility, and four new Bobcat lawn mowers.

Next was the approval of the monthly financial reports of the School Activity Funds account. This revenue and expenditure summary includes all school sports, organizations, clubs, grants, and scholarships, and miscellaneous items like the Liberty stem club, drivers’ education, and several other categories.

Treasurer Kenda Terrones presented March 2019’s Treasurer’s Summary. There were no significant findings to report.

Next was the approval of the Agreement for Services with Drugs of Abuse Testing Laboratory, Inc. (DATL) for student drug screening.

Several summer programs were approved, including Summer Academic Programs 9-12, Summer School Programs, Driver’s Education, Summer Splash/Reading Academy, Camp Invention, Extended School Year, Summer Child Nutrition, Arts Explore, Band Camp, Rookie Camp 8th Grade, SPARK, School Zone, Summer Athletic Camps, and EL.

Next was the approval of the Municipal Accounting Systems, Inc., 2019-20 Software Service Agreement, the 2019-20 Licensing Representation Agreement between K12 Licensing, LLC and Sapulpa Public Schools, out-of-state activity trips, and fundraisers. All were approved.

There were several Action Items to be discussed and approved. These included the Resolution for Schools and Libraries Universal Services (E-Rate) for 2019-20, the application for temporary appropriations for the 2019-20 fiscal year, the contract with Educational Consulting Services (Kim Collier) for technical and professional services at Liberty STEM Academy during the 2019-20 school year, a second read on the amended policies for purchasing procedures introduced at last month’s meeting, and finally the Amended Policy 942 for Medical Marijuana. The Policy for Medical Marijuana concerns a parent or guardian’s request to administer a “cannabidiol” to a student.

All Action Items were approved.

The board members were in Executive Session for almost an hour to discuss the evaluation and employment contract of Superintendent Rob Armstrong. No action was taken during this session.

Upon their return, First Vice President Melinda Ryan moved to approve a new contract for Superintendent Armstrong, good through 2022. This was approved.

All personnel changes were approved.

The next meeting of the Sapulpa Board of Education will be Monday, May 13 at 6 p.m. in room 200 of the Washington Administration Building at 511 East Lee Avenue.

Picture: New School Board organization, from left, Sarah Havenstrite, Steve McCormick, Wayne Richards, Melinda Ryan, President Larry Hoover, Superintendent Rob Armstrong and Assistant Superintendent Johnny Bilby.

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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