Holiday Stroll Opens The Season for Sapulpa

For every family, there’s that event that officially kicks off the holidays for them. Maybe it’s Thanksgiving Dinner with your family. Maybe it’s Black Friday shopping. Maybe it’s putting up the tree.

Lights On Sapulpa Gazebo
Lights On Sapulpa at the Courthouse Gazebo

For Sapulpa, it’s some combination of The Holiday Open House, the Lights On Sapulpa, the Shop Small Saturday event and the Downtown Holiday Stroll. In years past, it would’ve included the Christmas Cash Bash giveaway, but this year the organizers were unable to get the sponsors needed to handle the incentives.

Click for a larger image.
Click for a larger image.

Even so, it’s plainly clear that the Holidays have landed in Sapulpa, with every snowflake along each light pole, a brilliantly lit courthouse and gazebo, and of course, the clip-clop of the horses making their way down Dewey Street with carriages of families huddled under blankets.


Thursday’s first Downtown Holiday Stroll was a success for anyone who attended, on account that though it was chilly, the lack of wind and rain made for a more enjoyable evening. Standing in line to get your photo with Santa, or waiting for your turn on the carriages was not quite as tough as it might be later on this month.

I asked Cindy McDonald, the Director of Sapulpa Main Street, how she felt the opening night was, and she was happy to see all the different folks who participated. “Patti Parrish dancers put on a good show,” she said. “The carriage rides were fun and Santa had lots of visitors. Merchants were busy taking care of the holiday shoppers. The Route 66 Courthouse Cafe took good care of their hungry customers.

Did you miss out on Thursdays events? No problem! The same will be happening for the next two Thursdays, with performances by Ovations and Art In Motion dancers. On the 8th, The Sapulpa Historical Museum will have it’s own Open House from 5:30pm to 8:30pm

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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