Here’s the list of public storm shelters in Sapulpa (spoiler: it’s zero)

With a storm bearing down on Creek County today that looks like it could be something special readers have been writing and calling in asking a singular question: “Where can I go if things get really bad?”

Sapulpa Times set out to get a list of publicly-available storm shelters in the city of Sapulpa, and were told by several sources at Sapulpa Police, Sapulpa Fire and City of Sapulpa that such a list did not exist, though it may have at one time.

One source says that although there used to be several available shelters in Sapulpa proper, they believed many of them were closed down due to liability issues. Several of these properties are now privately-owned, which makes them inaccessible to the public, unless the building’s owners are willing to accomodate.


Several retailers in Sapulpa have basements and sub-basements available to take shelter during a tornado outbreak, in case things get really bad, but those are likely to be restricted to customers in the store at the time of an event.

That doesn’t mean that there’s nothing you can do to prepare, however. In March, Sapulpa Times published a story of different ways you can prepare to take shelter in your home and in your car, as well as ways to prepare for such an event:

Related: Tornado Season, how to get prepared

Aside from possible tornadic activity, you can expect to see a lot of thunder and lightning. Don’t worry, Sapulpa Times has you covered there, too:

Related: Lightning 101

Tulsa Public Schools has canceled classes for today, and we’re getting reports that local activities, such as basketball camp, has also been canceled and will be rescheduled. Stay tuned to Sapulpa Times and we’ll keep you updated.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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