Growing Petunias

Kathy Berryhill

Creek County Master Gardener 

Sapulpa is becoming known for the beautiful display of petunias throughout our downtown area.  This year’s display is expanding to include additional planters.  The bright pink Bubblegum Petunias pop with color and make a great backdrop for the many visitors to our town.  While it appears that these flowers grow effortlessly, they require our attention to ensure a continuing display from spring until frost.  Local nurseryman Kent Daniel gives the downtown display all they need to thrive.  With a few tips, you can get these results!
There are hundreds of varieties of petunias to choose from.  Grandiflora have larger flowers, multiflora are somewhat smaller and milliflora are miniatures.  The wave variety is a spreading petunia and will fill in large spaces. 
Petunias need 5-6 hours of good sunlight and perform the best in full sun.  They must have good drainage but require consistent watering.   Importantly, these flowers need fertilizer to continue blooming.  Use a balanced liquid fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, that is designed for flowering plants.  During June plan to feed the plants every 2 weeks.  As the summer heat comes on, maintain a good watering schedule and increase the frequency of fertilizing to weekly, and even biweekly if the plant becomes large enough. 
Wave petunias don’t need to be deadheaded as they are self cleaning, but other types of petunias will need dead blossoms removed to prevent the plant using energy to form seeds.  These petunias would also benefit from a good trim as they get leggy. 
Following these tips will ensure your yard is filled with colorful, delightfully scented blooms.


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