Green Hill Memorial Cemetery Announced as an Official Location for the 2016 National “Wreaths Across America” Day

National nonprofit Wreaths Across America (WAA) announced today that Green Hill Memorial Cemetery in Sapulpa, OK has once again joined in the effort to support the mission to Remember, Honor, Teach, as an official location for 2016. This is the fourth year that the cemetery will be participating in this national event.

Since 1992, WAA founder Morrill Worcester has always asked volunteers placing remembrance wreaths to take time to read the name on the headstone aloud. During the escort of wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery last December, WAA Executive Director Karen Worcester stated, “A person dies twice: the first time, when they stop breathing, and a second time, when someone says their name for the last time.” It is with this in mind that this year’s theme for National Wreaths Across America Day, Saturday, Dec. 17, 2016, is “Say Their Names.”

The goal is to acquire wreath sponsorships to be able to place remembrance wreaths on our veterans’ headstones and say the names of all the local heroes laid to rest there, to ensure that the individuals who served to protect the freedoms of our country are not, and never will be, forgotten.


For every two wreaths sponsored we will receive three wreaths for the ceremony. Sponsorships may be made through the Nancy Green DAR chapter or online at the WAA website. To make your sponsorship through the Nancy Green DAR chapter please contact Micaela Chisum at 918-512-1784 or If sponsoring through the WAA website Green Hill location # is OKGHMS. To help with the 3 for 2 sponsorships the “fundraiser” reference # is OK0020P. The deadline for the chapter to receive sponsorships is November 21, 2016. The online sponsorship deadline is November 28th. Any sponsorships received after these dates will go toward the 2017 ceremony.

“Without the thousands of local volunteers across the country who give their time and energy to support the mission, Wreaths Across America would not exist,” said Karen Worcester. “All our supporters understand the value of remembering the fallen, honoring those who currently serve, and the need to teach the next generation about the sacrifices made for our freedom.”
Those interested in volunteering for Wreaths Across America, either locally or at Arlington National Cemetery, are invited to visit the WAA website to learn more. National Wreaths Across America Day is a free community event open to all people.

Please plan to join us December 17, 2016 at 11:00am to honor our veterans.

About Wreaths Across America

Wreaths Across America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to continue and expand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, begun by Maine businessman Morrill Worcester 25 years ago. The organization’s mission, Remember, Honor, Teach, is carried out in part each year by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies each December at Arlington, as well as at thousands of veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond. For more information, to sponsor wreaths or to sign up to volunteer, please visit

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