Good Samaritan Health Services Brings a Mobile Clinic in Sapulpa

Good Samaritan Health Services, a nonprofit that provides mobile, high quality healthcare to individuals with limited access, celebrated a ribbon cutting this morning at their newest location, First Baptist Church, 200 S. Elm, behind the worship center building.
Dr Crouch and Mary Walters from Caring Community Friends
Dr Crouch and Mary Walters from Caring Community Friends

Good Samaritan partners with local churches who have outreach in their communities. The objective is to give the poor and uninsured quality healthcare.

“We want to get our patients back on their feet and assist them in breaking the cycle they are in. Partnering with churches helps us provide a holistic approach – one that focuses on physical, emotional and spiritual health,” said Dr. Crouch, Good Samaritan Founder and provider.
The mobile clinics, which serve 14 sites, have exam rooms, a lab area and a pharmacy where many of the needed prescriptions are provided free of charge. Good Samaritan mobile clinics reduce the prevalence of emergency room visits.
News blurb taken from Sapulpa Chamber Facebook Page
Featured Image: Dr. Crouch cuts the ribbon held by Reverend Smokey Hurst.
The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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