Gollihare earns perfect score for votes on pro-jobs/economic growth legislation

OKLAHOMA CITY  Sen. Todd Gollihare, R-Kellyville, has earned a score of  100 percent for his 2023 votes on legislation promoting job creation and economic growth throughout Oklahoma. Gollihare’s voting record on those bills was published in the recently released RIED Report by the State Chamber Research Foundation. The annual report is published to promote economic growth through the evaluation of business, job and economic development issues considered by the Oklahoma Legislature. 

Gollihare speaks on the floor of the Oklahoma State Senate in 2022. (File photo).

“We approved several important measures this past year to help get more Oklahomans the training and education they need to get into the pipeline for great-paying jobs, approved tax reform, cut government red tape, and promoted economic growth,” Gollihare said. “These efforts will help individuals, families, communities and our entire state. I appreciate the work of the State Chamber and their Research Foundation in promoting these efforts.”

The Reid Report highlights votes on bills dealing with business, industry, job creation and economic growth issues deemed important by the private sector. A private sector focus group comprised of representatives in the fields related to the proposed legislation follows each bill through the process and issues a final recommendation. The group evaluates the bills being considered and approves the bills for final scoring.


Legislation tracked in the 2023 report included bills to expand the state’s workforce development efforts, better address childcare deserts, a measure to help more Oklahoma high school students access federal education grants to continue their post-high school studies at a college, university or Careertech, and discontinue collection of the franchise tax.

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