Glenpool Approves Bond Issue Worth More than $16M

As the state continues to fight through budget cuts that just won’t quit, many school districts are turning to the taxpayers to make the improvements that they desperately need.

Tuesday night, Glenpool Public Schools overwhelmingly approved 2 bond issues that include purchasing 16-acre tract of land for a new school site. The city says it is adjacent to existing public street access and will have multiple points of entry with room for future growth.

The page explaining the need for the bond issues says the city’s growth over the last few years has necessitated the new school in order to educate their growing student body.


“Our classrooms are full and every space is utilized to it’s fullest capacity. We are looking to the future with you and preparing our district to meet the demands of our community.”

Also on the ballot are updates to technology, more classrooms and the purchase of buses, among other improvements.

See all the information related to the bond issues here.


The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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