Gimme (Animal) Shelter

During a recent Lions Club meeting, Major Nate Norton with the Sapulpa Police Department, who is in charge of the Animal Shelter, gave an update on the new Animal Shelter.

He said after 5 years, the animal shelter is getting done. “They are behind, but they admit that they are behind.” The building, inside and outside, is almost done, but the cages and furniture items won’t be shipped until later in February.

Also, the Sapulpa Times asked for an update in the Public Comment portion of the Sapulpa City Council meeting on Monday, Jan. 22. The new information from Economic


Development Director Steve Hardt, was that OG & E are going to install the transformers once it dries up. He mentioned the delivery of the cages and said he expects the opening day will be in March.

On Friday, this reporter went to the facility. There were 2 workers there (another at lunch) and it was 27 degrees outside, cold and fairly dark inside the facility. The construction worker said he thought the place would be finished in March.

There were several dry-walled rooms, “finished” except for ceiling panels, flooring, interior windows and doors, furniture, lighting fixtures, and decoration. The walls that are up are painted various pastel shades. Most of the taping is done.

It is a huge space, with a garage door at the south end and a dozen rooms inside. The reception area is wide, well-lit, and spacious, unlike the reception area at the current shelter, which is smelly, loud, cramped as a closet, with walls covered in lost pet flyers.

This has been harder than waiting for Christmas because we can’t just go out and get one ahead of time. Everyone is anxiously waiting the completion of the new shelter and the destruction of the old one.

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