Four New Sapulpa Police Officers Sworn in

The first order of business at the Monday, June 17, City Council meeting was the swearing in of four new police officers. Police Chief Mike Haefner administered the Oath of Office to Officer Jacob Byram, Officer Dennis Hall, Officer Cansas Pate, and Officer Elisa Mudd.

The next order of business was the approval of Worker’s Compensation Insurance with the Oklahoma Municipal League Assurance Group (OMAG), effective July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020, in the amount of $496,086.00.

There was discussion and a vote on the engagement with Crawford and Associates, P.C. for consulting and advisory services in connection with the 2019 financial statements. A motion was made and passed unanimously to budget $56,000.00 for the services.


A motion was made and passed, regarding FY 2019 Audit Engagement letter with Arledge and Associates, P.C. in the amount $32,900.00 for services in connection with the FY 2018-2019 Annual Audit.

Following the votes on professional services was the discussion and voting on amending the Master Fee Schedule for sewer rates in the City of Sapulpa. The motion passed unanimously, as did a motion declaring an emergency

The next motion was adopting and appending a budget for the city of Sapulpa, Sapulpa Municipal Authority, and the Sapulpa Development Authority, for the year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30th, 2020, which passed unanimously.

A motion was made to amend the FY 2018-2019 General Fund Budget by increasing appropriations by $76,000.00 for the removal of debris from six City Parks. This does not include the Golf Course.

A motion was made and passed, amending the City of Sapulpa and the Sapulpa Municipal Authority budget by increasing revenues by $2,063,186.00 and increasing appropriations by $1,072,577.00 for the purpose of making adjustments based on current revenue and the amounts estimated during the preparation of the FY 2019-2020 budget.

Shawna Widdoes spoke to the City Council regarding complaints made about her on the behalf of the Castle Creek Homeowners Association. Ms. Widdoes stated that she and her husband had sold their house in Castle Creek, then purchased a tract of land in the same addition, to build a 920 Sq. ft. house. Their goal was to build a house and be debt free. This parcel of land does not come under the auspices of the Castle Creek HOA. It was noted that the Widdoes had fulfilled the obligation of all City codes and ordinances. Apparently, some homeowners are upset that a smaller, metal sided dwelling is being built in their posh neighborhood.

The City Council subsequently went into executive session for the discussion of negotiations with collective bargaining units. No action was taken following the executive session.

The Sapulpa Municipal Authority was called to order. A single motion (Consent Item) was made and passed approving claims in the amount of $433,628.04 and adopting and appending a budget for the SMA for the year beginning July1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020. A motion was made for adjournment and passed unanimously

The Sapulpa development Authority meeting was convened to adopt and append a budget for the SDA, for the year beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30th, 2020. A motion was made for adjournment and passed unanimously.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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