Filing deadline for upcoming election is today.

Municipal Candidate Filings Set to Begin Monday, February 4, 2019

Candidates for municipal office in six Creek County municipalities may file Declarations of Candidacy beginning at 8 a.m. Monday, February 4.

Joy Naifeh, Secretary of the County Election Board, said the filing period ends at 5 p.m. Wednesday, February 6.


Declarations of Candidacy will be accepted at the County Election Board Office for the indicated offices for each of the following municipalities:

TOWN OF DEPEW: Three trustees.

TOWN OF KELLYVILLE: Three trustees and one Unexpired Term Trustee

TOWN OF KIEFER: Three trustees and Clerk/Treasurer

TOWN OF MANNFORD: Trustee: Ward One, Ward Three, Ward Five;  City Clerk

TOWN OF MOUNDS: Three trustees

CITY OF OILTON: Councilmember: Ward One, Ward Two, Ward Three, Ward Four, Ward One, unexpired term; Ward Three, unexpired term; Mayor.

The municipal offices at stake will be filled in the nonpartisan election scheduled April 2, 2019.

Contact Creek County Election Board for additional information.

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