Farm to Table? More like “Farm to Family”

Brian Johnson, who lives west of Mounds on a small acreage, recently started a Facebook group called “Creek County Farm to Family.” The Sapulpa Times interviewed Mr. Johnson to learn more about his effort to connect producers directly with consumers.

Brian Johnson of Mounds, is working to connect Creek County farmers and producers directly with consumers.

A person who raises chickens may post offers to sell them or a person who has a bushel or even a few pounds of tomatoes may wish to barter for potatoes. People who sell free-range chicken eggs or duck eggs have direct access to the consumer. From goat’s milk to organically grown greens, there are a plethora of products offered for swap or sale. One may have beef, pork, or venison that he or she wishes to have processed, and this group can put them in touch with local butchers and slaughterhouses.

When asked why he started this network, Johnson replied, “Number one, I thought the government was failing us. Number 2, I saw all of the news…of killing off cattle, killing off chickens, killing off pigs, and nothing being done with them, milk being poured out, and I thought to myself there is no reason in the world we cannot skip the middleman.”

Mr. Johnson said his goals for this group were “Number one, for people to come together, and be a community and help one another. Start bartering, working for your food, whatever you’ve gotta do. I stress the community part heavily. But Number two, for people to realize that you need to be dependent upon yourself, and even if you live in an apartment and just have a balcony, by golly, you can get some pots and grow your own food.”

In less than two weeks since its inception, the group has grown to nearly 2,000 members. Johnson has already received a great deal of positive feedback from people who told him the group has been quite helpful to them.

When asked if he thought this concept of buying directly from the grower would permanently alter the way people purchase food, Johnson said, “I think so and I certainly hope so.”

Anybody wishing to participate as a producer or consumer should join this Facebook group: Creek County Farm to Family.

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