Family seeks justice for mother killed in DUI

Jared Harper and his five children stood outside of the Creek County Courthouse, holding up signs reading “End DUI,” and “Justice for Billie.” It was the day of the court hearing for Justin Milwee, and a day that the Harpers had been waiting for since last Christmas.

From left to right: Heather Ridge, Alyssa Harper, Alexis Harper, Aaron Harper, Amber Harper and Brandy Wolf stand outside the Creek County Courthouse on the day of Justin Milwee’s court hearing.

Billie Marie Harper was on her way home from her mother’s house with her then-14-year-old daughter Amber, when she was tragically killed while attempting to make a left turn onto 181st from Alt. Hwy 75. Justin Milwee was traveling southbound on Alt. Hwy 75 and witnesses said he had been driving in excess of 75 miles an hour, weaving in and out of traffic. As Billie Harper began her turn, Justin Milwee pulled into the wrong lane to pass the stopped traffic and slammed into Harper’s Lincoln Towncar, causing it to roll. Amber, who’s now 15, recounted the experience. “I don’t remember much, just a crash, the glass, the screaming, and my clothes were covered in my mom’s blood.”  

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The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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