Excitement for downtown redevelopment grows at City Council, new fire station facilities approved to begin design process

Downtown Master Plan (DMP) consultants, Ken Boone and Taylor Plummer, from Ochsner Hare & Hare (OHH), introduced members of the City Council to the comprehensive redevelopment plan they have created at the Council’s study session on Monday evening at City Hall. 

The consultants, who joined the meeting remotely from their office in Kansas City, explained that the plan “is an articulation of the community leaders’ goals for downtown Sapulpa over the next 10-20 years. During the past 12 months, the downtown planning process has engaged residents, business owners, and property owners through a variety of engagement exercises and events to identify issues, opportunities, and values related to land use; development, redevelopment, and rehabilitation; design and aesthetics; connectivity; parking; parks and open space; programming; and economic development.

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Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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