Eual’s old trike recovered, damaged

Just a few days ago, we shared the story of Eual’s stolen tricycle, and how members of Sapulpa came together to get him a new one. The story caught enough attention that Tulsa’s Channel 8 ran a piece on it, as well.

But what happened to Eual’s old tricycle? Many had given it up for lost, but at least hoped that the thief might see the story and feel sorry for what they had done.

As it turned out, they may not have had the trike for very long, anyway.


Shortly after the story went live, Sapulpa resident Debra Middleton noticed the trike sitting near her neighbor’s trash for curbside pickup. Middleton had not yet heard the story about Eual’s tricycle missing, but asked her neighbor if she could place the trike in her yard to see if someone claimed it.

“My phone had been broken since last week,” Middleton said. “I had been waiting on AT&T for a new one. I just got caught up on Facebook last night.”

When she realized who the trike belonged to, she was able to get in contact with Eual’s sister, who came and retrieved it.

The blue tricycle is missing it’s seat—likely the work of the vandal who stole it—but seems otherwise unscathed.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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