
Sapulpa City Hall

Sapulpa City Council Elections are shaping up to be interesting

January 8, 2018

Four candidates in one ward mean we’re in for a primary, and there have been inquiries into the eligibility of one candidate.

Gary Richardson, candidate for Governor, comes to Sapulpa

January 4, 2018

Richardson’s primary platforms include making turnpikes free roads again, and lots of accountability.

Sapulpa municipal election filing delayed until January

December 5, 2017

We’d previously reported the filing this week, but it’s now been delayed until January.

Editorial: The ONG franchise vote passes, but that’s not the real story

September 13, 2017

One of the lowest-recorded voter turnouts is the real story behind this new 25-year commitment between Sapulpa and One Gas. Inside, the reasons and solutions…

Get one more look at your 2016 State Questions

November 6, 2016

Oklahoma is a state as red as the dirt you find here, so there’s very little question about who’s going to win the Presidential election…

Kyle Hilbert, State House District 29

June 27, 2016

Pledging a fresh perspective in the State Capitol, Depew native Kyle Hilbert is the Republican candidate for State House District 29. Current Rep. James Leewright…

Dana Murphy, Oklahoma Corporation Commission

June 25, 2016

Born in Woodward, Oklahoma, Commissioner Murphy is a fifth-generation Oklahoman deeply committed to her home state. After attending Central State University in Edmond, Oklahoma, where…

James Leewright for State Senate

June 25, 2016

James Leewright and his wife Cari have four children and are both native Oklahoman’s who have a small farm near Kellyville. James holds a BS…

Jolen Boyd for Creek County Sheriff

June 25, 2016

I look forward to the opportunity to serve as Sheriff of Creek County. With 26 years in public safety and serving approximately a third of…
