Eight-year-old boy on bicycle struck by car while traveling home from school

An eight-year-old student that witnesses say was on his way home from school on his bicycle was struck by a car after running a stop sign, police told Sapulpa Times on Thursday morning.

Police say the accident happened about 3:25 pm on Wednesday afternoon. The boy was traveling northbound on Hodge Street and failed to yield at the stop sign at the intersection of Hodge and Cobb, where he was struck by a Ford Expedition.

Witnesses say the car was driving the speed limit, but Sapulpa Police confirm that the driver of that vehicle was ticketed for numerous violations, including driving with a suspended license, an expired tag, and failure to have insurance.


Creek County Ambulance Service says that the boy was complaining of upper and lower body injuries, and was transported to Saint Francis for evaluation. He had surgery on his right leg to repair the break and his right humerus is fractured.

We spoke with the boy’s parents and they say their son is normally a very safe rider, and that they were very grateful that the driver of the vehicle stayed at the scene.

The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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