Easter Donuts an annual favorite at Sapulpa Daylight Donuts for nearly ten years

The great thing about donuts is that they’re pliable. With a little creativity, you can take a twist on a plain donut and make it memorable.

If anyone in town has memorable donuts, it’d have to be Sapulpa Daylight Donuts, hands down.

Easter donuts are available by request!
Easter donuts are available by request!
For nearly a decade, their colorful springtime twist on an old favorite has been a popular request when Easter rolls around. Every Friday, you’ll seem them roll off the line and onto the shelves at both locations, the corner of Lincoln and Mission, and their longtime location at 14 W. Bryan Ave.

The Easter Donuts, which feature the original raised donut with the hole left in and iced in chocolate, white or strawberry icing. They’re topped with two Cadbury mini eggs and a Hershey’s foil wrapped egg, and finish the Easter basket look with a pipe cleaner handle.

Not a bad deal for $1.50.

12795112_10153906341285482_4584730728873192867_oRecent years have seen some experimentation, such as trading out the chocolate eggs for a marshmallow peep.

If you’re really adventurous, you might go for a full pan of letter donuts, each one hand-crafted, down to the last drop of icing. Also available are rabbit-shaped or egg-shaped donuts.

Don’t want to wait until Friday? Put in a special order for them, and pick them up at your convenience.

St. Patrick’s Donuts

12828966_10153904354120482_5821984469455924357_oSpecial “Pot O’ Gold” donuts were available this year for St. Patrick’s Day, as well. Similar to the Easter Donuts, these green-sprinkled donuts traded out the chocolate eggs for a chocolate coin, and were extremely popular. Dana, an employee of the popular breakfast spot, said they were a genuine hit, saying “at the Lincoln location we sold out every day we made them.”


The owner and publisher of the Sapulpa Times, Micah started the online news outlet in 2015 as a modern alternative to the local newspaper to help keep Sapulpa informed about their community and its organizations and events.

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