Drunk Man Steals Wife’s Dog Back from Daughter

On Saturday, March 23 at approximately 9 p.m., Sapulpa Police Officer Baylor Pittinger was dispatched to an address on West Bryan Avenue to investigate a burglary in progress. Sapulpa Police Dispatch advised that a subject entered the home, stole a dog, and then left in a white Dodge Durango going west on Bryan.

Officer Pittinger proceeded to the home on Bryan and made contact with the homeowner/Victim. He stated that his father-in-law (Defendant) had arrived unannounced at his house and began banging on the front door. He said he told the Defendant to leave, but the Defendant continued to pound on the front door until it flew open. Then the Defendant entered the home, despite continuing to be told to leave by the Victim. 

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Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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