Drinking mold? Public Works Director says “don’t see how it’s possible”

Recently there has been a plethora of posts on a local social media page complaining about the quality of Sapulpa’s water. The complaints ranged from saying there was “mold” in the water to stating the water smelled like a “wet dog.”

The Sapulpa Times reached out to Public Works Director Steve Hardt to obtain some answers. Hardt told the Sapulpa Times that there was no problem at the treatment plant. However, Hardt said there was a recent water line break in the neighborhood behind QuikTrip. He said it was possible that the ingress of sedimentary material may have occurred during the break and subsequent repair. Hardt stated he was sending crews out to flush the lines in that area. As far as mold in the water, Hardt did not see how that would be possible due to the chlorination of the water. The Public Works Director stated unequivocally that the water was safe to drink.

Staff reports are stories written by any member or combination of members of the staff or contributors, including interns.

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