This bill along with other consolidation bills introduced in this legislative session would be devastating to public education in our community and for the state of Oklahoma. Our rural schools are the center of our communities and we provide our students with an excellent education. When Pretty Water students as well as Allen Bowden, Gypsy, Keystone and Lonestar students go on to high schools in our area they are well rounded and prepared to be successful. These students often become leaders and are frequently at the top of their class academically. Rural schools provide students and their families with a personal level of attention which contributes to their success in school. It would be an injustice to see these schools shut down simply because they are labeled as rural schools.
I have not had the opportunity to speak with Senator Bingman about his proposed legislation but in reading the bill it is stated very clearly that all dependent school districts will be annexed or consolidated by July 1, 2017. In our area this would close Allen Bowden, Gypsy, Keystone, Lonestar, and Pretty Water. This amounts to approximately 2,000 elementary and middle school students that would be immediately displaced and put into other schools. I cannot fathom how this could be considered in any way beneficial for the children of Oklahoma. From a financial perspective this does not make sense due to the fact that the funding that is provided to schools is based on a per pupil formula. This means that the state would not save one dollar by closing these schools unless they decide to not educate these students. On the contrary federal dollars such as impact aid and competitive grants would be diverted to other states if these rural schools are closed. No matter how you look at it closing our rural schools would be a disaster for Oklahoma education. I would encourage all patrons to contact Senator Bingman and request that he pull SB1382.
Jeff Taylor
Superintendent, Pretty Water School