Details about Class of 2021 Commencement Ceremony

(SPS) — The 115th Commencement Ceremony for Sapulpa High School is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on May 21 on the football field at George F. Collins Stadium.

However, the plan for inclement weather is different from years past when the ceremony was moved to the Chieftain Center on the same night.

If the weather prevents the ceremony from happening on May 21, the high school has options to have it outdoors on Saturday afternoon or Saturday evening. District and high school administration will continually monitor the weather forecasts and make an announcement about rescheduling, if necessary, as soon as possible. The intent is to have the ceremony outdoors to celebrate the Class of 2021. Moving it inside on Saturday, May 22 is the last option.


Each senior will receive six tickets on Thursday, May 13. These are rain-out tickets for the indoor option. If it is determined that the outdoor ceremony is no longer a viable option, these tickets will be used by guests to attend the ceremony inside the Chieftain Center. There is no ticket allotment for the outdoor ceremony. Again, announcements about delays will be made through social media and the school district’s phone, email, and texting notification system.

Face coverings during graduation are optional, but not required. For those individuals who are unable to attend, Chieftain Television will once again live stream the ceremony on its YouTube channel. It will be archived and available to watch whenever you like.

Congratulations to the graduating Class of 2021!

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