Dennis Gage – Bash with the Stache

By: Jon Stalnaker
AKA the Studebaker Dude

In my first story in this series, I mentioned that I met Dennis Gage a second time at a fundraiser event at the California Auto Museum in Sacramento. I was there with our club chapter Vice President, Johna, and her husband Rick, our Webmaster, Darlene, and her husband Jeff. We posed for a nice group photo which I photobombed by sticking my head between Darlene and Dennis. I think that was my first intentional photobomb. The four of them were there to represent our local Studebaker Club Chapter and I was just tagging along to get the story and take pictures. I suspected that it would be a special occasion and I was certainly correct about that.

I had been a Docent at this museum for around five or six years at this time. I was actively involved with the museum, working as a docent instructor teaching the Studebaker and Avanti class. I was a coordinator for the Car Club Cavalcade and a member of the Road Crew who drove the museum cars in parades and local events. Knowing Dennis is a self-proclaimed Studie Dude, I felt compelled to add my two cents. I was also the editor for our chapter newsletter. I needed to be involved in this event.


Dennis wanted a car to drive up to the stage and Johna owns the perfect one. It’s a GT Hawk just like the one Dennis had, and that’s the one he used. We got some face time with him before the event. I took him into the office at the museum where he could make some copies. I had brought along an empty Pringles can and my copy of the January 1998 edition of the Studebaker magazine, Turning Wheels, for him to sign as souvenirs for me. Dennis was on the cover of that issue. He appreciated the humor of the Pringles can and made a note that he is not ON the can but INSIDE the can. I still have it around here somewhere.

John Stalnaker, left, Dennis Gage, right. Submitted.

Dennis appreciated being able to drive Johna’s car as it was very much like his, the one he was standing by on the cover of the magazine. He told me that as much as he misses his old Studebaker, he misses the coat he was wearing in that cover picture. He got it while traveling in Thailand and lost it in a house fire. It was made of elephant hide and was extremely heavy. Dennis was a member of the Studebaker Drivers Club when he owned the Hawk but dropped out when he sold the car and got busy with his television show. He’s still appreciated in the club as he features Studebakers often and we like to see that. He recognizes that there is truth in the SDC copyrighted mantra that “Studebaker Invented Cool.”

Since we provided the grand entrance vehicle, we were able to secure a table in front at the event. As we began to go through the buffet line, Darlene asked Dennis to join us at our table. He took us up on it and we had a great time listening to his stories. He’s got so many great tales to tell; he had our undivided attention. Not only did we get to hear his keynote speech later, but we got to hear his more personal observations at dinner. Jeff had a smile from ear to ear and enjoyed talking motorcycles with Dennis as well. It was a fabulous night and just think, I wasn’t even going to attend. 

After we ate, it was time to make the grand entrance. Johna’s car was behind a curtain, stage right. Dennis drove it and Johna rode as passenger. It seemed like an eternity waiting to be cued in. We took pictures and Johna got an earful as he raved about how nice her car is and how much he missed his. All the while, Johna kept saying to herself “please turn over, please turn over…” It started right up as we all knew it would. Johna’s husband Rick is a talented mechanic, and he prepped the car well for the event. Dennis was impressed with how sweet the motor sounded when he fired it up.

We had an awesome time, and I left that event thinking, what could be cooler than this night? Well, something cooler was just down the road and I will tell you about that next week.

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