Creek County’s INCOG stormwater category to be updated, Bristow-area bridge project to be completed, multiplex barn at fairgrounds accepting bids

INCOG Representative Matt Ryan gave the Creek County Board of County Commissioners an update on the County’s Stormwater Program at its meeting on December 21st. Ryan stated that there are 7 square miles of urbanized area within Sapulpa/City of Tulsa of stormwater. Creek County is subject to regulations within this area; last year’s inspection has been received and there was no inspection this year. The County will be working on renewing its 5-year permit. There have been some category changes, and Creek County will now fall within a category with fewer standards than its last. INCOG hopes to receive the new permit by April and with the new changes Ryan will write a new plan for our urbanized area and present it to the Board. He stated that “everything is going fine and [Creek County has] not had any issues.” Stephens reminded Ryan to get in touch with him after the first of the year to complete Stormwater signs for the County. 

A project on the County’s 8-year plan since 2011 will be finished soon. Project J/P2861 or Three Bridges, assigned to Guy Engineering, for District #3, is ready, with all paperwork completed, according to a Guy Engineering representative. “We will be submitting this to ODOT Wednesday,” he said. He continued that there may be extra funding available because several other counties do not have projects ready, so they would like to get this project ready to bid in late May. This Bristow-area project was scheduled for 2022, but as it has been slated since 2011, Stephens said that “it is good to see this project coming full circle.” This was unanimously approved by the board. 

A bid will be opened on January 19 for finishing the concrete for the multiplex barn at the Creek County Fairgrounds. Tina Trout, Fairgrounds Representative, stated that this would involve excavating the remaining dirt out of the multiplex and matching the concrete to the front of the building. They will also be removing the horse stalls; this will allow the buildings to be used more often than just during stock shows. Warner asked how big the building will be—Trout stated that it will be 200 x 70 feet; the area is 130’ back from the entrance and east/west 70’. The Board asked if Jana Thomas, Purchasing Agent, had okayed the project and Thomas stated that, yes she has. It was reported that the Fair Board has already approved the item as well. This was unanimously approved by the Board. 


District #2 Commissioner Leon Warner will be appointed as Creek County LEO (Locally Elected Official) representative for 2021 Tulsa Workforce. Warner stated he has been working to reestablish this board and “would like to see it through.” The Board previously consisted of four counties; now it appears that eleven counties will be part of it. This was unanimously approved. 

Elizabeth Thompson is the News Editor for Sapulpa Times.

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