Creek County Sheriff Count 700 images in Child Porn Arrest

A 31-year-old man is in jail after the Creek County Sheriff’s office says a search on his phone turned up around 700 images of child pornography.

About two weeks ago, The Creek County Sheriff’s Office received a call from officers in Jefferson County, Colorado about a man named Justin Boyer, who was allegedly sending photos to Colorado from here in Creek County.

Boyer had previously been convicted as a sex offender and was supposed to be registered. Creek County Sheriffs called and asked him to come in and renew his registry. When Boyer showed, the CCSD asked for his phone and upon further investigation, were able to retriever somewhere in the area of 700 photos and images of victims, all under the age of ten.

Officer Fred Clark has been in law enforcement for a long time, but he says a case like this is still tough to swallow.

“It doesn’t matter what else you’ve seen, how long you’ve been doing it, something like this is always bad to see.” Clark said. “Some of these victims were very young.”

Even though Boyer willingly turned over his phone to the Sheriff, Clarks says it wouldn’t have made a difference—they could’ve gotten a warrant for it and gotten it anyway. And even if Boyer thought he removed the photos, Sheriff Clark says the software they have can find anything.

“Everyone thinks you delete something off your phone, it disappears. Nothing is ever deleted,” he said. “We can see every text message you’ve ever seen, every photo.”

Boyer is currently in jail on 40,000 bond. He has  his first court date in January. Even though he has other charges in Jefferson County, if he’s convicted he’ll likely stay here to serve out his time.

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